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23 April 2020- Children's Day

As a corona virus ( Covid-19), all the schools are closed and we postponed our project activities and meetings. We stay at home for our health.

In Turkey, 23 April is celebrated as a children's day and all countries' kids send messages at their home to celebrate this important event together at home. we are the world children and we will be together for peace , love and freindship.

2. KAHOOT GAME: We organized a special KAHOOT GAME for 23 April, Children's Day.



****Today is 23 April Children's Day - important day for Turkey.
And we organized a KAHOOT game for our students to play and celebrate this occasion all children together. Our game will finish on 26 April.
Please send the Kahoot game to the kids. I know they like to play ...

Here is the link…



Children's Day in ROMANIA

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