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Act II

In the dining car.  (3 actors) 


A: How can I help you?

B: A cafe latte, please.

C: You shouldn’t drink coffee at night, it will be difficult for you to sleep.

B: I’m sorry but I haven’t asked for your opinion.

C: When you can’t get any sleep you will remember my words.

B: Do you always interfere in other people’s business?

C: Only when I think I should.

A: Excuse me, here’s your cafe latte.

B: Thank you.

C: With very little coffee.

B: Ignore him. Pour some more coffee.

C: Then, you will not say I haven’t warned you.

B: I haven’t asked for your opinion.

C: If you can’t get some sleep , the journey will be long.

B: I see you insist.

C: Of course, I can’t remain silent when someone is making a mistake.

A: Here’s your coffee.

B: Thank you very much.

A: Could you pay , now? It’s 3 euros.33.

B: Could you hold the cup for me?

C: A cup of coffee and in the evening? No way.

A: Don’t worry. I’ll hold it.

B: Gosh! Where’s my wallet? I have 3 . But not 33.

A: Ok, take your coffee.

B: Could you please lend me 33 for a minute?

C: Sorry but you will get insomnia and I can’t be your accomplice.

B: What’s that lightning?

A: A storm is coming.

C: It’s so nice to sleep when it’s raining.

B: Sorry, but I haven’t got the 33.

A: Don’t worry. You give them to me later.


There is strong thunder , the train moves and the waiter spills the coffee on B.


B: Damn it!  There’s coffee all over my new shirt!

C: Oh, dear!  It’s difficult to sleep in a wet shirt.

A: You don’t need to pay.

C:  Goodbye, waiter! And you, sir, don’t forget to go to the drycleanlr’s . A coffee stains are difficult to get out.

A: We’re closing now.


B and C leave the dining car in opposite directions.

00:00 / 01:43
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