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Act V

 In a train compartment (4 actors)


A- You look gorgeous, dear!

B- Grannie, will it be long?

A-  It’ll take a while, we’ll arrive a 3.33

C- Why don’t you sleep for a while?

B-  I am not sleepy.

A-  I’ve dreamt my sweetest dreams on a train.

B-  I’ll try to sleep.

C-  Good boy, try to sleep.

B- I’d rather play.

C- You can’t,  you will be told off.

B- By who?

A- The ticket collector

C-  He’s a horrible man.

B-  I’m so afraid.

C- You’d better sleep.

A-  I’ve dreamed my sweetest dreams on a train.

B-  You’ve already said that, grannie.

A-  Have I?

C-  She likes recalling her sweet dreams. Try to sleep.

B-  I’m so bored. I want to play.

C- Here’s the ticket collector.

D- Good afternoon.

B- Are you the ticket collector?

D- Yes

B- My mum says you are horrible.

D-  Then, tell your mum she’s far more horrible, she doesn’t know me after all.

C-  Sorry, you know what children are like.

D- Yes, I know what mothers are like , too. I’m tired of being the train’s child scarer.

A- Well, your uniform doesn’t help much.

D-  What’s the matter with my uniform?

A- It’s so dark. It should be more colourful.

D- This is a train, not a carnival float.

C- Mom, don’t bother the gentleman.

D- Or I will open my mouth and eat her. 

B-  Do you eat people? I’d rather you ate my grannie.

D- I don’t eat people. Besides, I’m a vegetarian. Tickets, please.

A- You have them.

C- I’ve given them to you, mom. I gave them to you when I went to buy a bottle of water.

A- I  can’t remember. Were they green slips of paper?

C- Yes.

A- I gave them to the boy to hold. Do you have them?

B- I threw them away.

C- I’m sorry but we don’t have the tickets.

D-  What shall we do now?

A-  It was an accident. Next time I give you something, don’t throw it away.

C- I’ sorry, you know what children are like.

D- OK, this time I’ll turn a blind eye. I’m doing this to show your son I’m not a child scarer or a people eater. Goodbye

B- Thank God he hasn’t eaten anyone.

C- Thank God he hasn’t put a fine on us.

A_ Thank God. I will sleep for a while. I’ve dreamt my sweetest dreams on a train.

B- I want to dream, too.

C- Let’s sleep now before we get to the station at 3.33.

A- What time is it?

C- 3.32

A- Sweet dreams. I said I dreamt my sweetest…

C- Yes, mom, you’ve already said that.

00:00 / 02:38
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